Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Golden rules for a successful tube gastrectomy

When I went for my dieticians appointment last week, we talked about what my life is going to be like after surgery. Not just the immediate impact of surgery, but how I am going to live my life from now on and my relationship with food.

Something she gave me was her 'Golden Rules' that I will need to abide by. I knew about most of them, but it was good to have it in writing.

  • Set an eating plan of only three small meals per day
  • Ensure all foods consumed are solids and of good nutritional quality
  • Eat slowly and chew foods thoroughly
  • Sense fullness and stop eating
  • Avoid eating in between meals or choose a healthy snack such as a piece of fruit
  • Do not drink within 30 minutes of eating
  • Sip regularly throughout the day on water and low joule drinks
  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes per day and adopt an active lifestyle
  • Continue taking your nutritional supplements as advised
  • Use your support team! Surgeon, Dr, Dietitian and exercise physiologist - they are there to help you achieve your goals!

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